

 US THIRD AMENDMENT   Education,Law,Writing The origin of the third amendment is English law despite the dislikes of the standing armies. The US third amendment has no direct constitutional relevance. The Supreme Court has never ruled a case of it. The US third amendment has implications like the people have right of the domestic privacy. However, the constitutional deals with the relationship of the rights of people and  military. The scholars have at times argued that the amendment might respond to the natural disasters and the terror attacks. After writing of the amendment in eighteen century , there was a belief that the issue of quartering in private homes was of great significance. The US third amendment was noticed by producing  little litigation for the US has been severally confronted by the standing armies. Though the second circuit court has never made a decision whether there was a violation of the US third amendment, it issued a classical interpretation of the US third ame

Protecting Your Home's Roof from Storm Damage

 Protecting Your Home's Roof from Storm Damage    Construction,Home Improvement,Home Repair Without a roof, your house would not be home. A roof provides shelter, security, and protection from all outside elements. When your roof becomes damaged from those outside elements, like a tree falling on it during a storm or large hail puncturing through it, it's important to seek professional help right away to prevent any further damage. But who do you call when something like this happens in the middle of the night or on the weekend? Is it considered an emergency? What are the common causes of emergency roofing repairs? Below, we will help answer these questions to provide you with knowledge, so you will know what to do if something like this happens to your roof. </br> </br> What is considered an emergency?</br> </br> If a roof is allowing water to enter the home, caving in, or looking like a potential hazard, then it most definitely needs to be repaired ASA